Operation SRS
This is our first project in a much larger series aimed at honoring our veterans through meaningful personal interactions. We have built this mission around our country’s greatest generation and our most finite resource… our remaining WWII veterans. The National WWII Museum located in New Orleans, Louisiana introduced a devastating statistic in 2017 that claimed 362 WWII veterans pass away each day, heavily impacting the estimated 558,000 remaining heroes. Working with the Department of Veterans Affairs, using our love for two wheels and leveraging the community in which we operate we have structured a nationwide motorcycle journey to recognize and interact with these amazing men and women.

Veterans Affairs War Veterans Homes are located throughout the United States and house veterans from all branches and conflicts, assisting in maintaining a comfortable living for its residents and providing contentment for their families. Each individual home has scheduled visiting hours and a friendly staff that will help guests navigate the facilities and inform them of activities and outings.

Scheduled to launch late spring/early summer 2018, Operation 362 consists of 169 locations, 49 states and countless memories as we trek across this beautiful country in search of our nations finest. As we near the launch date we will be updating you here and on Instagram at @serveridesupport with route maps, contact information and details on joining us in our mission to reshape the definition of support from a simple bumper sticker to a handshake and a smile.

Thank you all for your love of this country, its history and the veterans that helped shape it into what it is today.